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Brand New Codes: Comoros 2699, Globalstar 8818, 8819 and Dem. Rep. of Congo 243809 ready to work

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Dear all,
try our new codes ready to collect traffic:

Comoros 6
Test: +269900
Test 2:+269910
Terms: 15/15 BiWeekly

Globalstar 7
Test: +881835
Terms: 30/45

Globalstar 8
Test: +881935
Rate: 0.45 EUR/min
Terms: 30/45

Globalstar 9
Test: +881837
Terms: 30/45

Globalstar 10
Test: +881937
Terms: 30/45

Dem. Rep. of Congo
Test: +243809
Terms: 30/45

Good luck with your traffic.